Sunday, March 18, 2012

Lil' Inker Designs March Blog Hop: Day 1

Welcome to the Lil' Inker Designs March Release!  Wait till you see all the ca-yoot stuff Laura has been "brewing" up!  Literally!  LOL  Today we are sharing the newest stamp and die set called Coffee Cozies.  This set is absolutely jam packed with fun stuff for those that LOVE coffee.  You should have arrived here via Alicia Thelin's wonderful blog!  Let's get started!!

My first card uses the Coffee Cozy dies to make up this cozy.  A little pearl accents here and there added just the right touch.  I've layered the coffee cozy on top of the large flag die from Flags and Tags.  Laura has done it again with her gorgeous sentiments for this set.  I want to mention that this set of dies has "registration marks" on it for easier alignment but by no means do you have to use them for lining them up when stamping.  I had NO trouble at all stamping my images over the die cut pieces.  Laura will be sharing a video on just how to use these new "registration marks".

My second project uses the coffee cozies WITHOUT the dies.  I don't mind at all to cut things out and these are a breeze.  I paper pieced the cozies and added some lids with pearl accents again.  I jazzed up the chevron cozy with some Cream Button Twine.  I just love this's so punny!  Here, I used the smaller flag from Flags and Tags for the sentiment. 

That's it from me today but I know the rest of the DT that are showcasing Coffee Cozies will have some more great inspiration for you!  Remember that there will be prizes during the new release so please check the Lil' Inker Designs Blog for all the details!  Your next stop on today's blog hop is my best friend, Jen Carter!  Let's pop over there to see what she's got up her sleeve!

{All the Goodness.....}
Stamps:  Coffee Cozies (Lil' Inker Designs)
Paper:  This and That Graceful (Echo Park), Soft Stone (PTI)
Ink:  True Black (PTI)
Dies:  Coffee Cozies and Flags and Tags (Lil' Inker Designs), Pinking Border Die (PTI), Edger Dies (PTI)
Misc:  Pearls, Foam Tape, Janome Sew Mini

{Let's Cozy Up}
Stamps:  Coffee Cozies (Lil' Inker Designs)
Paper:  Linen Closet Matstack (DCWV), Ocean Tides and Vintage Cream (PTI)
Ink:  True Black (PTI)
Dies:  Flags and Tags (Lil' Inker Designs), Linen IP (PTI)
Misc:  Corner Rounder, Foam Tape, Cream Button Twine (PTI), Janome Sew Mini


  1. Just adorable! Love the sentiments & your cards are adorable! :)

  2. Gorgeous cards, Amy! I love all the pink papers and the oversized banner layout. The second one is my favourite. I love all those soothing greens and blues!

  3. gorgeous!
    Makes me want to sit at the park and sip a cup!

  4. I love this new set! What a great concept - your cards are wonderful! :)

  5. Really cute cards, but I lovvvvve the 2nd one. That's my favorite saying from the set. So pretty!

  6. Seriously great work here, Amy! I didn't even think to use 2 cups on a card!! SUPER SMART! I love the pearl accents and the use of our oversized sentiment flag as well. FAB!!!

  7. love everything about these cards, they are gorgeous! I'm mad about coffee lol

  8. Loving the way you pull together patterned papers, Amy.

  9. both of these are so adorable, love the new stamps and dies.

  10. Fabulous coffee cards--I like the papers you used.

  11. Now I want a latte LOL! Darling set of cards.

  12. LOVE these cards!!! This is really a fun new set!

  13. Wow what great cards...lovely set.

  14. Great cards! The pink one is sweet, and the two cups cozying up are also fun--I like all the options for personalizing the cups on this set.

  15. Fab cards. Love the pink card with the pearl embellishments.

  16. Love your cards! This is a cute set with lots of possibilities!

  17. Super cute cards! I love the colors and all the paper piecing!

  18. Love the pearl accent on the heart- just adds sweetness!

  19. LOVE IT!!! what more could i say!!!

  20. Fabulous cards! Love the pearls on the coffee cups =) TFS!

  21. Adorable cards and I am loving this stamp/die set!

  22. two beautiful creations. love how you used the new stamps and dies....fab!

  23. Very cute! I love the floral background on the first card!

  24. Great cards! Thanks for sharing!

  25. Such cute cards! Love the sentiments and the papers you chose.

  26. I really like how you used the linen IP on the lid on card #1! And the colors are so pretty! For the 2nd card, I like how you used the cups with the cozies! Makes the set even more versatile!

  27. ADORABLE creations, Amy!!! LOVIN' those precious patterned paper to-go cups!!!

  28. Adorable cards! Love the colors and sentiments you used!

  29. How sweet are these? I love the pattern papers you used!

  30. You've done a great job with these new stamps. Love the coffee cozies and the way you've incorporated these stamps in different ways on your cards.

  31. Amy, this is adorable! You always do such wonderful work :)
