Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lil' Inker Designs January New Release Blog Hop {Day 3}

Welcome to Day 3 of the Lil' Inker Designs January New Release!!  You should have arrived from Laura Pryor's blog and if I must say.......did you check out her post yesterday??  I am in LOVE with the LOVE frame she made with the new dies!  Go check it out and leave her a comment as she did a FABULOUS job with it!  I am so excited to hear what you think so far about Flags and Tags.  It's a true staple and a MUST HAVE set in your collection.  Today, however we are showing the newest addition to the 2 Cute Ink collection:  Cutie Cat.  Here's the full set:

I think my favorite part of this new set are those adroable flowers.  Particularly the center one!  But I also can not resist that Cutie Cat face!  Here I've chosen to color him in with various Copics and cut out the image.  I layered the new BIG Flag die over some DP from FancyPantsDesigns that coordinates with my colored image. 

Call me crazy but for some dimension, I colored and cut out the flowers and popped them up!  My Cutie Cat was layered over the tag die showcased in my post yesterday.  I love how it looks like he's sitting on a little rug!  hehe  I've also stamped a tiny image included in the Flags and Tags stamp set onto the bottom of the tag for fun. 

My sentiment (also from Cutie Cat) was stamped half on one part of the flag and half on the other part.  I love this for a different look to the sentiment!  The last thing I wanted to point out was the big Sentiment Flag die.......do you see the subtle yet embossed line around the die?  This new die DOES that when used with the embossing mat!!  Here is what Laura said about this new die:

"The oversized sentiment flag is a uniquely designed die. The die was designed much like a frame and then overlayed with a clear backer. It closely resembles a nesting die yet it has the addition of the clear backer which is really neat as it allows for perfect placement when cutting and it even embosses! Also, because the die was created with the clear backer it allowed us to keep manufacturing costs lower which means reduced costs for our customers. It's really a win win!"

I want to extend a huge THANK YOU for everyone stopping by and leaving such sweet comments on my projects for Day 2.  Remember that Laura is giving away 2 prizes if you continue on this hop and leave comments along the way each day!  Your next stop is one of my good friends, Jen Carter, and I'm sure she is going to show something awesome like she always does!

****Are you all wondering what the BONUS goodies are that will be released on Friday?  Well, I got them in my little hands just today and you will LOVE them.  hehe  Perfect new additions for all your Valentine's.****

Thanks for stopping by and we'll see you tomorrow for Day 4 of the Lil' Inker Designs New Release!

{You made me smile.}
Stamps:  Cutie Cat and Flags and Tags Sentiments (Lil' Inker Designs)
Paper:  Kraft (PTI), Winterland Collection (Fancy Pants Designs)
Ink:  Tuxedo Black (Memento), Dark Chocolate (PTI)
Dies:  Flags and Tags (Lil' Inker Designs)
Misc:  Sewing Machine, Glossy Accents, Copics, Foam Tape, Pearls


  1. What an adorable card! Was this sketch somewhere lately??? I have a card being posted tomorrow that I did the same sketch with! Thought I 'thought' of it myself but perhaps I saw it somewhere, LOL!

  2. It is such a sweet card. love the cutie bee paired with the fun paper.

  3. eek! this is so squee! wonderful design Amy...love your coloring and how kitten is sitting in the label :)

  4. Amy, this is suuuper sweet! I love the colours and papers you used. Those popped flowers give this card that WOW factor!

  5. That image is too cute!! Great coloruing and a darling card.

  6. Love your use of the two sets... so super sweet and fun!!

  7. Eeeeh! Totally adorable Amy! I Love the popped up flowers, so so sweet!

  8. Adorable!!
    Love the way you popped those flowers...
    and the sentiment on the tag is "puur-fect"...
    Love the coloring...
    and the colors...
    just an absolutely positively adorable card! :)

  9. Such a cute cat...thanks for the chance to win!

  10. Absolutely adorable, Amy. I love the way you broke up the sentiment. And I think that our new die looks like a stylish rug here too.

  11. So cute!! Your coloring is fantastic! I love how you cut out the flowers too, they look fantastic like that and are so vibrant too! I also love how you split the sentiment in half to place it on the tips of the flag!

  12. Your card is so adorable and it sure did make me smile. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  13. Oh, WOW!!!! This is cute! I love that you popped up the flowers and I love to see ho you incorporated the flags and tags set into this design. Absolutely adorable and perfectly colored!

  14. really cute, i agree on the center flower :)

  15. LOVE!!! I am crazy about cute kitties so this card grabs me! Really like the way you stamped the sentiment on the banner...so cute!

  16. ABSOLUTELY DARLING!!! LOVE that sweet little kitty image and the way you popped up the flowers!

  17. Oh Amy, this is toooooo sweet!!!! I love the light colors, the neat banner and that adorable kitten, of course :)

  18. how adorable is this??!! you did such a great job!

  19. Sweet furry purry! I like the flowers all pop-dotted and the frame backing it! Nice combo!

  20. What a beautiful card.

  21. Wow, lots of great little details on this card. I love your kitty on the "rug," the angled sentiment and, yes, your flowers were worth all the extra cutting!

  22. Adorable! Love your cutie cat holding the flowers. Aww can't I get a sneak peek of the bonus goodies? Lol.

  23. Very cute kitty! I like how you popped the flowers and stamped the sentiment on the flag.

  24. Just love this kitty & your card is super sweet, also!

  25. Oh I love how you popped the flowers - what an adorable set! Love the new dies! I am going to have to go shopping now! LOL!

  26. Love how you worked in dies, dimension, and a whole lotta cute!

  27. That cat is super CUTE! Lovely card! I like how you popped up the flowers, and add the pearls in the center! ;o)

  28. TOTALLY DARLING!!! Your coloring is FABULOUS and I LOVE the polka dotty background!!!
