Sunday, November 6, 2011

Top 3 at Practical Scrappers!

Yep you heard me right!  I made the Top 3 at Practical Scrappers for their card contest!  Now, there is no more voting........the rest is up to the Practical Scrappers Team to choose the winner!  So I wanted to take this time and say THANK YOU for all the time you all put into voting each week for me.  I wouldn't have made it this far if it weren't for all of my blog friends (and family).  I am forever grateful!

Onto my card for the last challenge they issued:  Use your favorite manufacturer, favorite tool, and favorite technique.  My card is quite different than my other submissions to the contest but I knew exactly what technique I wanted to do.  One I love........Embossing and using Distress Inks.

My favorite manufacturer:  Papertrey Ink
My favorite tool:  Sewing Machine
My favorite technique:  Embossing with Distress Inks

Have a great Sunday..........I have lots of crafty things to work on!  Stay tuned for the Lil' Inker Designs Release that starts tomorrow!  Since this has LOTS of texture, I'm entering this into the Lily Pad Cards Simon Says Stamp TEXTURE Challenge!

{Thank You}
Stamps:  In Bloom (PTI), Find Joy (Hero Arts)
Paper:  Royal Velvet, Lavendar Moon, and SS White (all PTI)
Ink:  Versamark, True Black (PTI)
Distress Inks:  Milled Lavender, Dusty Concord, Seedless Preserves, Shabby Shutters, Peeled Paint, Forest Moss
Misc:  White Filigree Embossing Powder (PTI), Distress Tool (Tim Holtz), Foam Tape, White Pearls (Kaisercraft), Linen IP (PTI), Sewing Machine


  1. Amy this is beautiful and I LOVE LOVE LOVE how you used the distressed inks on the flower ...... must try this out one day ..... hummm maybe I need to build my collection a bit more first. For me ..... you are a winner all the way~ Congrats on the top 3, very well deserved!!!

  2. Congratulations Amy, here's wishing you one more win. Your card is beautiful.

  3. Congrats, Amy & what a stunning card! Love every detail!

  4. Amy, this is gorgeous and truly shows your amazing talent! Hoping you win the whole thing!!

  5. Congratulations on your top three, Amy. Your card is lovely. . . very stunning.

    **June K**

  6. Congratulations on a well deserved top three spot, Amy. When I checked Practical Scrappers yesterday, I wasn't surprised to see your name.

  7. Congrats on making the Top 3! This looks like a definite winner to me. That flower is gorgeous! Beautiful design, my friend. Best of luck to you!

  8. Congratulations, Amy! Your cards are so awesome and I hope you win! This card is beautiful!

  9. Congratulations. Beautiful card. Love the colors & the stitching with the use of Linen IP.

  10. Wahoo Amy! Way to go! This card is awesome! LOVE the colors and that flower is gorgeous!

  11. Hooray for you Amy!!! I was wondering where you were in this contest. I love this gorgeous card. Every time you emboss with distress inks it takes my breath away. So stunning!

  12. Gorgeous, Amy!! I love how you colored the flower, and that is one of my favorite color combos!

    Congrats on the top 3!

  13. WOW Amy this card is gorgeous.... I love that flower and the coloring is amazing... awesome it..

  14. Beautiful! Congratulations for making it into the top 3. Good luck! I hope you win.

  15. CONGRATS!!! Well deserved and this card should seal the deal for you!

  16. So neat and it really stands out. I really love all four cards shown.

  17. What an honor, Amy! Congrats! And your card is just beautiful! Fabulous techniques and tools and such gorgeous color!

  18. Congratulations on getting this far. And, it wasn't that much work to vote! I love this card. I wish I knew how you colored that flower. It's gorgeous.

  19. Congrats! Well deserved for sure. :)
    I wish you the best of luck on the last challenge!!

  20. GORGEOUS. Congratulations! Love the purple.

  21. Yay! Congrats, girlie! You've earned a well deserved place in the final!
    With this beauty, I'd definitely place you as a winner! Fingers crossed for ya! But even if you don't win, you can totally treat yourself for making the Top 3 :)

  22. This is so gorgeous!! It won first place in my little world!! :) I love the coloring on the flower and stitching! Very beautiful!! Congratulations on how far you made it! That is quite an accomplishment!

  23. Maybe I shouldn't, but I just have to tell you that I voted for your card in the final 3. I really love your clean and simple style...the card was stunning without being too gaudy. Thanks so much for participating! :)

  24. What a beautiful card, Amy! Those colors just pop!

  25. Gorgeous design and really fabulous colors! Thanks for joining the challenge at Lily Pad Cards.
