Friday, September 16, 2011

A fun find..........

Nothing crafty to show you today as I've been down this week with a Fall head cold........Not fun.  :(  But I thought I'd show you a picture of a cabinet of sorts that I got a sweet deal on for my craft room.  We had a local card shop (kinda like Hallmark) that went out of business this summer and they were selling off their store fixtures as well!  Score for me!  I have NO idea what it was used to display at the store but I instantly saw storage for my wooden stamps, miscellaneous stamp sets, finished cards, etc.  I LOVE it!  My daughter does too as she's said, "Mom, where are my shelves?  Can I have a couple?"  hehe

Check it out:

Can it get any better than that?  It even swivels and has soo many little cubbies to hold stuff!  Here are my wooden stamps.

Here are some embellishments.....those coveted paper flowers from Recollections that sadly Michael's does NOT carry any longer!  :(

Here is my stash of 6 x 6 pattern paper pads.  Unfortunately, the PTI ones don't fit as they are 8 x 8 unless you take out a shelf and I just don't want to take out any more. 

Here are my finished cards.........just one of the many places I keep them until I get them ready to sell.  As you can see, I still have soo much more space for later!!

So you never know where a storage idea for your crafty area might just show up!  The wire rack in the top photo was an awesome buy at my local Goodwill store.......gosh I think I paid $5.  It holds ALL my PTI stamp sets!  That's it for today but I'll be back tomorrow with the next Wee Memories challenge!


  1. Wow, that's so awesome Amy. I need one of those!

  2. What a great find. Now your craft room looks just like the most fun store ever.

  3. Oh, WOW!! I'm SO jealous of your fabulous storage finds. I'm going to have to keep my eyes open now for steals like those. Thanks for the great ideas!

  4. Both of these pieces are incredible finds, and I really like the fact that they each have what appear to be fairly small footprints. It's so nice when you can have your goodies out where you can enjoy them and be reminded of what you have!

  5. So sorry to hear you are not feeling well :( Hopefully it will pass quickly.

    Great find and what a wonderful option for storage! Love the wire rack too. You go girl :)

  6. What a fabulous find Amy! I LOVE it! Vertical storage is always a plus and this doesn't seem to take up much space!

  7. What a score!!! I love how you've filled those shelves. It looks awesome.

  8. awesome storage ,amy and wish to get well soon ,dear

  9. Love it, Amy!!! What a great find!

  10. VERY cool! I have one of those wire card racks, but I never thought of putting my stamp CD's in it, GREAT idea and I might have to do that!

  11. So glad to finally see this! I love it!! It is perfect and so cute!! What a cool find!!

  12. Cool find! LOVE all the open storage!
