Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wee Memories

Did you see the news over at Wee Memories yesterday?  Jenny announced the first new DT member!  Yep, you guessed it!  I have been asked by the sweet Jenny Suchin to join her amazing team!  I love her challenges and now I get to participate in all of them.  I also wanted to take this time to point out my new blog's a Jenny Suchin original!  Check out her Wee Design blog for links to some of her work.

So have you checked out the latest Scrappy Saturday Challenge?  Use no less than FOUR colors.  Should be some amazing entries this go around and a Unity Stamp Co. set is up for grabs!  Remember our challenges are still bi-weekly until September.

Here is my card for my debut on the Design Team.  I've used some of my favorite pattern paper lately....the Fly a Kite Lime Twist collection from My Mind's Eye!  It was perfect for this COLOR challenge!  I also had fun layering those PTI dies for the focal point. 

I want to thank you all for visiting over the past few days and leaving such kind words for all my "DT news" this week!  I have truly enjoyed reading all of are all such sweet blog friends!!!

{4th birthday}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Big Birthday Wishes
Paper:  Fly a Kite Lime Twist Collection (MME), Pure Poppy, Rustic White, Hawaiian Shores, Kraft
Ink:  True Black
Misc:  Janome Sew Mini, Mat Stack Die, Small Scallop Border Die, FF Die, Limitless Layers Die, Number Die, Baker's Twine, Foam Tape


  1. Alright now! What else are you hiding up your sleeve?! haha! Yeah for you Amy and I love this bright and fun card! FABULOUS!

  2. Congrats Amy! This card is perfect for that challenge...very pretty! :)

  3. congrats, amy, on your new dt spots! have fun with them:)

  4. OMG!!!
    You ARE one BUSY Sweetie! :)
    But so talented...
    can't wait to see everything you have for us!
    Any more surprises?
    Love the card...
    it's fabby!!

  5. Congratulations Amy! You are knocking the DT out of the park!

  6. AMY!!! I knew you were a rockstar!!! This is AMAZING news! You must be SO proud of yourself! I am SO proud of you. I just KNEW your talents were about to explode!!! Well deserved my dear!
    This card is nothing short of FABULOUSNESS!!!

  7. love that argyle paper..great colors!!

  8. Welcome to the team! love your card!

  9. Congratulations to you!! Seems like I've been saying that to you A LOT lately, LOL!! I am very excited for all of your new "gigs"! You will do a great job!!!

    Your card is wonderful! Love that twine :) and the way you used all the colors! Very cute!

  10. Congrats on the new gig! How fun! LOVE this card, so fun and colorful. I have that paper pad and you've really inspired me, maybe I'll bust it out today! :)

  11. What excellent news, Amy! Congratulations on another inspiring position.

  12. So much news in one week! YAY FOR AMY! Congratulations! I cannot wait to see what you make next! This card is fantastic!

  13. Congrats, Amy! Wow, you are going to be SUUUPER busy but that's a good thing when it comes to crafting, right? ;) I LOVE your beautiful and colourful card!

  14. Oh my word Amy! Fab news! Fab card! Fab you!

  15. I absolutely LOVE this! The colrs are gorgeous!

  16. Wow Amy so much great news! My congrats is way overdue but so heartfelt nonetheless. Totally well deserved! Brava! I am loving this card. The MS/FF/LL combo is so cool and really works a treat. The colors are so gorgeous together. Needless to say stamped to perfection. Again, wonderful news and so on the money. Big hugs.

  17. Wow, you are going to be super busy! Love the bold and bright colors!!! The twine is a perfect addition!

  18. You are a woman in demand, AMy! You go, girl! I know you'll give us lots and lots of wonderful eye candy. :) Best of luck!

  19. Congratulations, Amy! I love seeing you everywhere. :D This design is fantastic and I love the bright colours.

  20. This is so fun, Amy! LOVE all those bold, bright colors!
