Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Anniversary.

Well friends, Wednesday was my anniversary.............15 years.  I had no trouble making a card for this occasion especially armed with this Paper Smooches stamp set, Boob Tubes.  Oh my how my friend, Jen, and I have had a chuckle over that name!  I was fortunate enough to win this set and soo glad that I did!

But may I go back to how my hubby and I met?  At a bar.  Yes.  The theme at the bar:  Country.  Enter me.  College student that borrowed her friends Roper boots and jeans.  White jeans.  (If you know me, I'm not a country attire wearing kinda gal at all!)  Well, let's just say I returned those jeans and they had a *few* grass stains from my "stumbling" after the night at the "Rock" (the name of the bar).  Enough about that.  :)  Anyway, we dated for 4 years and in May 1996, we finally tied the knot!  I can't believe it's been 15 wonderful years! 

Well, if you know my husband, this card is right up his alley!  Totally him.  :)

CAS.....he loved it!  :) 
I was going to post a pic but alas.....don't have a scanner!  My pics are that old!  hehe  Maybe next year!!

Wee Memories challenge this week was to Stamp It!  So pretty much anything goes if it's stamped! 
Paper Sundaes challenge is to Pop It Up!  So I have 2 layers of dimension here on my little ole TV.
And then a great group of ladies who I do call my friends in blogland......The Papertrey Paper Dolls.  This week's challenge was issued by Sara from The Unhurried Life.  What great timing!  Her challenge was to make either a wedding card OR an anniversary card! 

I do hope you all have a wonderful loooooonnnnnnggggg Memorial Day weekend!!!

{You turn me on}
Stamps:  Boob Tubes (Paper Smooches)
Paper:  SS White, Bitty Dot DP (PTI), Emma's Shoppe Collection (Crate Paper)
Ink:  True Black (PTI)
Misc:  Copics, Foam Tape


  1. What a perfect anniversary card - so sweet and cool at the same time! Big congrats too!

  2. Such a cute card. Having that embellishment 'popped' up looks fabulous. Thanks so much for joining us at Paper Sundaes this week.

  3. First...
    Happy Anniversary!!!
    so incredibly adorable...
    I LOVE it!
    It's perfect!
    And love-of-my-life-man-that-I-married and I will have 19 years next month...
    we've never given each other a lovey-dovey-mushy card to one another in all that time...
    and I would be very suspicious if he ever did :)

  4. First...
    Happy Anniversary!!!
    so incredibly adorable...
    I LOVE it!
    It's perfect!
    And love-of-my-life-man-that-I-married and I will have 19 years next month...
    we've never given each other a lovey-dovey-mushy card to one another in all that time...
    and I would be very suspicious if he ever did :)

  5. This is such a fun set and card. I love the woodgrain look of the TV! Happy anniversary to you and your husband!

  6. Perfect card! Absolutely adorable! A big happy anniversary wish to you and your dear hubby! Wishing you many, many more happy years together...and yes...enjoy the LONNNNNNNGGG weekend!

  7. I love this little set and I've been thinking and thinking about buying it. The card is so neat. Love the woodgrain look on the TV. Really awesome. Happy Anniversary!

  8. This card is totally fun, Amy!! Love how you used the wood. And how lucky you were to win this set--cool!!

  9. Awww....the card is so cute! Congrats to the both of you!!

  10. Happy Anniversary Amy! Love the bar story, hehe! This card is super fabulous, great job!

  11. Happy Anniversary, Amy! Love your card CAS design. Thank you for joining us at Wee Memories. :)

  12. Love the stamp set name and your card too! It is so stinkin' adorable. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog today!

  13. Happy Anniversary!! Love this CAS card and I'm sure your hubby did too! Love the layers and Thanks for playing along with us at Paper Sundaes :)

  14. LOL!! We have had a lot of fun laughing about this set...that is on my wish list I might add!! :)

    This is super cute! Love the woodgrain TV and the CAS layout!

  15. This is fabulous!! Love it and I'm sure your hubby will too :) Love the story about how you met. Happy Anniversary to you :)

  16. Amy, this is such a fun card! My hubby would love it too. Congrats on your 15th anniversary!!!

  17. Hello! Total cute and CAS excellence! Cute story. Our stories are similar (minus the grass stains) ha!

  18. Hee Hee so fun!

  19. this is just too cute, amy! the more i see paper smooches, the more i love them:) and happy anniverrsary!

  20. AWWW I love this ....... and I love that you met at a bar, my kinda gal!!! I love Love stories!!! The card is just beautiful and I KNOW he just loved it!!!

  21. Amy,
    Happy 15th anniversay! I just love the story about how you guys met. So funny! Don't you wish there were tide pens back then to get the grass stains out! LOL! Very cute card! I crack myself up about the name as well. Call it an immaturity thing but it is pretty funny!

  22. This is precious! Love the green "carpet" and the popped up heart! So cute!

  23. So cute, Amy! I love this... and happy anniversary! :D

  24. Super duper cuteness!!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!!

  25. Holy Schinkes! This is totally AWESOME! Love the card - the sentiment is fantastic! Ok, I really need some paper smooches stamps!

    Thanks so much for your awesome comments!!!

  26. Very cute. Happy Anniversary!

  27. Amy, I love it! I love the polka dot paper and that stamp set is so cute! It's so perfect - happy anniversary!!!

  28. Amy! I loved reading about how you guys met...sweet and funny too. Your card is darling.Happy, Happy anniversary.

  29. how sweet is this.....loove the tiny tv and the sentiment..;)

  30. This is adorable! Love the puny sentiment. Thanks for the chuckle!

  31. I really want this set - I'm not sure why I keep post-poning. It is SO cute! HUGS to you, Amy - thanks so much for always being so positive and sweet. ;)

  32. absolutely fabulous! love love the CAS design! super card, Amy!

  33. This card couldn't be cuter, I love it! I've linked this up on Practical Scrappers today!

  34. Totally adorable! The woodgrain pattern is the best!

  35. Congrats on 15 years!!! WOW! What a great card for your hubby! I love the CAS and that it's a longer card too! :>

  36. This is so awesome!! I love the name of the set and the CAS card. And congrats on 15 years... marriage really is wonderful :)
