Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have a quick card made for the Play Date Cafe this week!
I love this time of year.....all the pinks, reds, whites.
They are some of my favorite colors!

I thought using PTI's Dotty Biscotti paper was perfect for this

I tried my hand at making a felt flower from the medium scallop die from PTI.
This was fun and I will certainly make more of these!  Pair it up with
some of those larger buttons you get and have fun mixing and matching!

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  Have a great first week of 2011!!

{For You}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Mat Stack 1 and 2 Collection
Paper:  Kraft, Stamper's Select White, Sweet Blush, Dotty Biscotti DP
Ink:  Dark Chocolate
Misc:  Raspberry Fizz Felt, White Button, Embroidery Floss (DMC), Mat Stack 1 Die, Foam Tape


  1. Okay I wlll have to try this flower with my boarder ..... this flower is AMAZING!!! LOVE IT~~

  2. Amy this is so pretty! Love the clean lines!

  3. What a pretty flower Amy, and a GREAT new photo of you too! Love your idea of using a scallop border die...going to try this soon!

  4. this flower is perfect!!great idea!

  5. This is beautiful! You're right, the Dotty is perfect. Oh, and the flower, just wonderful. I'll have to try that!

  6. Ack! Now I need that paper! Gorgeous card!

  7. I love this card Amy! First of all I have THE hardest time using Dotty Biscotti and second that felt flower is genious! I wanted to try that very thing earlier but decided not to. HA! I will now. Thanks for the inspiration girl!

  8. Great card. The flower is fabulous! Great idea! I am going to have to give it a try now too.

  9. I love how you made your flower!! That was from the scalloped die, huh? It looks similar to one of the new blooming builders dies (whatever they are called). I like this flower more than those though! So very cute! Love the clean layout you used on this too!

  10. I love this, Amy! That flower is super cute, and the Dotty Biscotti is perfect!

  11. Oooh scrummy flower, Amy! Love that you created it using a border die!

  12. Man, I never get to use my Dotti Biscotti paper, I'm jealous! :) So cute and I love the flower!

  13. Ooh...I am going to have to give this a try....beautiful flower and card!

  14. Hi Amy... Wow what an inspirational blog.. you are very creative... Love this card the flower is beautiful :).. Thanks for the sweet comment you left me on my blog today :)

  15. Amy, this is SO gorgeous! I love the simplicity of the card with that felt flower which is so creative!

  16. So pretty, Amy! Love your felt flower!!! I have that die---I'll have to try that! Thanks for sharing! And I think that Dotty Biscotti paper is perfect for this card!!!

  17. This is one sweet entry for this week's challenge...so great to see you! Here's to seeing you lots in 2011 at The Play Date Cafe.

  18. Loving the Dotty Biscotti! So cute!

  19. I thought this week's PDCC colors were fabulous, too!! Your CAS creation is absolutely lovely. That felt flower is gorgeous. Quick cards can be such fun! :)

  20. Oh another fabulous Amy creation :D Just gorgeous and LOVE the felt flower!! Hey! did you see that you won a DeNami GC?? check it out!!
    congrats girl! Free stamps rock!! ;D

  21. Hi! Laurie sent me over from her blog. Gotta say, love your stuff and I am now a follower! (I also enjoyed listening to the Cha Cha Slide...my kids came running in and said, "What are you doing?????" Too fun!)

  22. OHHH! This is fab! Love that strip of kraft--and that bright flower:) Thanks so much for joining in the fun over at the Cafe and for playing along with us at PDCC:}

  23. So very pretty, and fresh! Love how the flower offsets the mat die cut.

  24. The flower is GREAT! I'm gonna have to buy that die too!!!

  25. I love this! I'm especially digging the off-centeredness of the sentiment within the label. Great card.

  26. Gorgeous card - really clever idea to create the flower with the scallop border!

  27. What a great idea to use the scallop die for a flower! And you were right...the Dotti Biscotti paper is perfect for that color combination!
