Monday, December 6, 2010

PDCC #58 and Jay Gee's Nook Challenge #2

Hello everyone!  I finally got a chance to play along in another PDCC challenge!
I'm not making Christmas cards this year except for a few people so I am trying to
get a head start on Valentine's Day.

This week's PDCC color inspiration is RED and WHITE.

Edit:  I forgot the other challenge that I'm playing along with is Jay Gee's Nook challenge #2.
What inspired me to use my doily stamp was this inspiration photo! 

I've had this doily stamp for a couple of months and it hasn't seen ink!  Gasp, I know but
I'm sure there are those of you that have stamp sets like this too!

I am noticing now that on both my photos, I have a little white space showing in 2 places.  Oh well.
Some other goodies used were also that border die from MFT.
I know Sue Ann, another die you MUST have!  LOL

I'd better get busy cooking some Gumbo and Corn Bread muffins
 for my family for dinner.  YUM!! 
Please come back later as I will have a sneak peek of the
 next Wilson Designs stamp set tonight at 11pm CST and the full release starts tomorrow!

{Love You Forever}
Stamps:  Tea With Elsie (Kaiser Craft), Heart Prints (PTI)
Paper:  Stamper's Select White and Pure Poppy (both PTI)
Ink:  True Black and Fresh Snow (both PTI)
Misc:  White Satin ribbon, Little Open Scallop Strip Die-namic (MFT, Framed Greetings Die-namic (MFT), Silver Pearls (M's), and Foam Tape


  1. Amy,
    This is beautiful! If I had stamped that much white I would have smudged that white ink everywhere!! Love the doilie stamp!

  2. LOVE that stamp girly girl!!! Fantastic!! Oh this reminds me I need to upload Kelly Clarkson to my ipod. xoxoxo

  3. Amy, that stamp is beautiful! And you did a perfect job with that ribbon!

  4. I didn't realize you had a doily stamp like that! I love it! This is so pretty! I love the partial frame too! (As far as the extra white goes, you only notice those things in the photos, so don't worry about it!)

  5. Amy that doily stamp is beautiful. This card is lovely and very elegant. Thank you for joining us at Jay Gee's :)

  6. Amy.......This is just stunning. I love everything about it. The simplicity is just wonderful, yet it is classy and gorgeous! Love the doily stamp!

  7. This is a lovely card, Amy! :) Elegant and classy!

  8. LOVE that doily background and that ribbon! LOVE satin ribbon:) Thanks so much for playing along and joining in the fun over at the PDCC:}

  9. Amy - This is a seriously beautiful card! I'm not usually a fan of doilies, but this is stunning. It might just change my mind! Great colors, great use of's awesome!

  10. Beautiful! Love that border die...I don't think I have that one....WHAT?!?! I guess it will have to wait a few months! This is a beautiful card! Glad you played in the Jay Gee challenge!

  11. Such a pretty use of the doily stamp! I also love how you've done the label, really lovely. Thanks for playing along with us at the Play Date Cafe this week!

  12. You know I love this color combo! This is a gorgeous card! Those doilies make a great background!

  13. Gorgeous card. I love the doily stamp and the way you have done your ribbon. Thanks for playing along with us this month ... Ange
