Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Ribbon Girl Blog....Challenge #1--Colour

 I am finally in the Halloween mood........once I saw this challenge I knew this would
do it for me.  I'm not sure how I came across this blog but I like what I've seen so far!
The Ribbon Girl blog has a colour challenge using:  black, orange, and white.
I love traditional colors for the holidays especially Halloween!

I knew exactly what stamp set I wanted to use......Tiny Treats Halloween.
So I inked up my frame from that set and made a white mat for it.
(a trick I saw on the PTI blog hop this past week)
I did punch out my circle and inserted a white one with my tiny image on it.

My tiny pumpkin was colored with a few Copics and a little grey for shading.
Isn't that the cutest little jack 'o lantern you've seen?
Their challenge didn't include ribbons but I had to put some of my saddle stitch in there
since it was for The Ribbon Girl blog!

Thanks for visiting me!  Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

{My Little Pumpkin}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Tiny Treats Halloween, Fancy Flourishes
Paper:  Stampers Select White, True Black, Only Orange (SU)
Ink:  Memento Black, Only Orange (SU)
Misc:  Mat Stack 4 Die, Circle punch, Black Saddle Stitch ribbon (HL), Foam Tape, Copics


  1. How darn cute is this little pumpkin!!!! I love him offset with the floursih ...... totally cute!!!

  2. So cute, Amy! Love the layout. I don't have that set, but want that frame so bad! :)

  3. Adorable Amy! I love the flourish in the bg!! I need to use this set!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. OH, I love this! It's just perfect! Thanks for emailing me yesterday; I hope to get something done today and will use your advice.

  5. Great Halloween card! Your blog is super cute! I am your newest follower. After I opened your blog and heard that jammin music I couldn't resist! ;)

  6. Amy this is just to DARN CUTE! I LOVE it!! What a FUN challenge.. I need to check out the link you shared!!!
    have a GREAT day!

  7. Too cute! Love your little pumpkin!! SO excited for Friday!!

  8. This is so sweet :) Thanks for joining in with the colour challenge at the Ribbon Girl blog
    Andrea xx

  9. I do like these traditional halloween colors. This card is just darling! What blog is the mat tip on? I have started using my magic matter...but if there is an easier way, I am game!!

  10. I love it! I really love that flourish on the background- way to make a Halloween card look GREAT!

  11. I love how you did the ribbon! Very cute card!

  12. Your colours just sing on here - and your LO is fantastic! Love the little flourish swirling out from behind, there!

  13. Gorgoues card! Love the Halloween theme! ;-)

  14. I love the pattern around the pumpkin!! Such a cute card!

    Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!!!


  15. Wonderful card.
    thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamps Challenge.
