Friday, October 29, 2010

Mini Halloween cards!

I have a quick post with my kids mini cards I made for their mailboxes for Halloween
this year.  They look forward to these mailboxes and the goodies I tuck in there.
I will set these out at the table where they eat breakfast in the morning before I go to work.

This year I knew exactly what I wanted to make for their mini cards.......using the Friendship Jar/Fillers
stamp sets.  I hadn't used them yet and Wow, I LOVE them! 

Here is a picture of both together......aren't they just the cutest?  Both cards were made for
challenges that are listed below.

The spider card was made using the current challenge at Off the Wall Craftiness.  Did you see the news?
I am very happy to announce that I will be joining Kim's DT in November! 
Have you played along with these fabulous color challenges yet? 
If not, you HAVE to.  They are so much fun!
Kim is still looking for one more member to be on her DT......go apply now!
Here is the color inspiration this week.


This candy corn card fits for the Curtain Call Color Challenge {Act 53} this week.

Well, this next week will be busy busy here on the blog!  I am doing my first release posts for
Wilson won't want to miss this next set Kim has planned! 
The release starts November 3 with a sneak peek!  See you all then!

{Creepy Crawly} and {Spooky Sweets}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Friendship Jar, Friendship Jar Fall Fillers
Paper:  Misc.White and Orange, Grey (SU)
Ink:  True Black, Orange Zest, Memento Black, Orangerie Palette
Misc:  Friendship Jar die, Jar Label die, Foam tape, Copics


  1. These are great Amy! And the mailboxes on the table beofre you go to work...what a special memory you are making for your children. Hope you all have a wonderful halloween weekend!

  2. So cute!! I love them both! Great job with your coloring! :) I really need to do this mailbox idea!! It is so fun and I have the mailboxes sitting there! I can't wait to see your posts next week!!

  3. So cute, Amy! Your kids will totally love them.

  4. Oh my these are too too cute! This must have taken you forever to do! Love it! So happy to have you on the team! Thanks for joining in the fun and playing along with us at OTWC and Good luck! :-) Aloha!

  5. Hey there ......... how are you?? I love these cute little cards Amy!!! Total CUTENESS!!!!! xoxox

  6. Oh WOW, these are very cute and clever!!

  7. So cute Amy!! I can't wait to decorate my mailboxes!! Thanks again for those! These cards are perfect!!

  8. I love these Amy! So cute. What a great idea.

  9. What an awesome idea to make jar cards!! You did such a great job too. Love them!

  10. Pure awesomeness Miss Amy!!!! Thanks for playing at OTWC and good luck.....and congrats on being on the OTWC DT!!!!!

  11. darling! thanks for playing the Curtain Call!

  12. These are awesome! Congratulations!

  13. These are super cute, Amy! What a great idea to make these jars as stand-alone cards. Congratulations on your DT position!

  14. I love both of these! Great job on the challenges.

  15. These are so cute Amy! Love them both!

  16. Amy, Your cards are amazing!!! I would love to talk with you about being a card designer for Practical Scrappers. If you are interested check us out and then shoot me an email at

  17. Oh my Amy! These are adorable! I'm sure your kids loved them. The only ink this set has seen by me is for my kids to color things. ;)

  18. these jar cards are just darling!
