Thursday, August 12, 2010

Papertrey Paper Dolls Challenge #14

I am back with a Papertrey Paper Dolls challenge that will be closing soon.  This weeks challenge was hosted by Cecilia at Trade Fish Designs.  She challenged us to 1) use a color you wouldn't normally use and 2) use a technique that you haven't used in a while.  Well, I paired Terracotta Tile up with Enchanted Evening for a fairly simple card.  I can't really say that I used a technique but I did stitch the button to my card and made my own stamped paper.  Does that count? 

I used my new CHA stamp set:  Four of a Kind!  LOVE it soo much! 
Thanks goes out to Laurie for proxy shopping for me on her vacation!  You're the best!

Come play along with the Paper Dolls....there are many challenges still open! 
We'd love to see what you create with our challenges!

All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Four of a Kind
Paper:  Kraft, Rustic White, Enchanted Evening, Terracotta Tile
Ink:  Enchanted Evening, Terracotta Tile, Simply Chartreuse, Dark Chocolate
Misc:  Wavy border punch (EK Success), Terracotta Tile button, Brown baker's twine (MS), corner rounder


  1. This is lovely Amy! Those colors are great! Isn't that stamp set THE best?! I had a whole lotta fun with it!

  2. I haven't inked up this set yet! Thanks for the inspiration. Love your new PTI avatar. I don't think I can do the Cha Cha slide this early!! but I'll move in my chair.

  3. Love the color combo on this card....I'm so inspired to go and ink mine up now!

  4. Great use of that new set, and I love these colors fun Amy!

  5. Love those colors you chose! amazing just how great they look together! Wowza! Going to have to CASE that color combo.

  6. Oh WOW Amy, this is "coloricious"!!! I'm so jealous too, that stamp set is just DIVINE ;) FABULOUS card my friend!!!

  7. This is so cute! I LOVE the color combo and how those stamps look on the Kraft paper! And, the border is the perfect touch!! Very cute!

  8. this set is so cool.....wish i could have gotten my hands on one:) i can't wait to see what else you make with it:)

  9. What a pretty card! Love the patterned paper you made with this set!

  10. WOW! I love this Amy! And so jealous you have your set! Lucky girl!

  11. I think it counts, LOL! Love how you used that set, Amy!

  12. Love the color combo in this card! beautiful!

  13. Lucky you :) I sooooo want this set too...LOL!!! Your card is so beautiful and you rocked the colors...(these are tough colors I don't use either)!!! Hugs ~S~

  14. Amy, this is FAB-U-LOUS! I love everything about it.

  15. Wow! This is stunning! I find Terracotta Tile to be one of my hard to use colors, but you've shown how easy it can be. Lovely!

  16. Yours is the first I've seen this set stamped on kraft--I like it, I like it! Great interesting detail in how you cut the Terracotta Tile element too!
