Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Papertrey Paper Dolls Challenge #11

*****Just a quick note:  I have updated the tab above "Button Rings for Sale".  If you are interested in one, please let me know!  All information is on that page including my email to order one!*****

On with the card right?  This card was made for the Papertrey Paper Dolls Challenge #11 hosted by Anika!  This challenge was to make a different sized card other than the standard size.  I chose to make a tall and skinny one like Anika did.  I don't think I've made a tall and skinny one since I first started card making!!

I used Friends til the End stamp set and most of the sentiments too!  I also went through my stamps and found another circle stamp that fits perfectly in the medium scallop die from PTI!!

Have a wonderful day!

All products PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Friends til the End, Have a Ball
Paper:  Melon Berry, Lemon Tart, Smokey Shadow, Rustic White
Ink:  Melon Berry, Lemon Tart, Smokey Shadow, True Black
Misc:  Vintage Cream saddlestitch ribbon


  1. Love all the scallops on your card! Adorable! Great color combo too! Love your rings!! Hehee!! :)

  2. This is so pretty Amy, LOVE the scallops and those colors look wonderful together! Love it!

  3. Your rings are FABULOUS Amy! I may need to invest in another one, one of these days! And I do love the card! That ribbon is awesome! I am so going to need that set! :)

  4. The colors u used for the card is very interesting!! love the card..and how u stamped the sentiment several times!!

  5. Gorgeous long card Amy!!! Love how you used the PTI Set!!! Lovin' your new rings :) !!! Hugs ~S~

  6. This is really superb, Amy! I love the colors, the word panel, the graphic flower panel, and the scallops--especially with their subtle circle stamps--WOW!

  7. Love the colors and the scallops - and the rings - swoon!

  8. Amy this is a great card...very different color combo...I like your design.

  9. Wow Amy!! What a sensational and sophisticated card! love the unusual dimensions of it! Your button rings are utterly beautiful too - I can't believe how many talents you have!
