Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Papertrey Paper Dolls Challenge #4--it's a bright one!

It's time for another Papertrey Paper Dolls challenge!!  This past week was hosted by my
good friend, Jen Carter!!  This week's challenge was to create a masculine card and then turn around and make a feminine card using the same layout and same stamps!  Wow, this WAS a challenge!  I absolutely LOVE this group because it really makes you think outside the box and get you outside your comfort zone! 

You may need sunglasses for my cards today!!  Here is the masculine card I made without LAYERS!!  I also challenged myself to make a card like this because I tend to keep adding and adding!!

Please don't look too close to the sentiment as my Copics got a little out of the line and I tried to "fix" it but it was too late last night to redo this so it is what it is!!

Here is my feminine card using the same layout and stamps.....this one you may REALLY need sunglasses!
I had fun with this color combination.....both of these color combos came from a Pier One flyer I got in the mail!  This just goes to show you never know where you will get inspiration from!

In honor of the new Simply Chartreuse color coming out from PTI any day now to my doorstep....I decided to get out my Chartreuse Palette ink pad.  Here is a close up of the sentiment strip and those buttons that I just had to add **something** to them!!

Here they are side-by-side for a comparison!!  What do you think? 

Why don't you come play along with us!  We'd love to see your take on this challenge!!

{Masculine Celebrate}
Stamps:  Dot Spot and Say it With Style
Paper:  Enchanted Evening, Pure Poppy, and misc. white
Ink:  Enchanted Evening, Summer Sunrise, Pure Poppy, New Leaf
Misc:  Pure Poppy Copics, Enchanted Evening buttons

{Feminine Celebrate}
Stamps:  Dot Spot and Say it With Style
Paper:  Hibiscus Burst and Hawaiian Shores
Ink:  Hibiscus Burst, Hawaiian Shores, Chartreuse Palette
Misc:  Copic marker, Hawaiian Shores buttons, Scrappers Floss


  1. EXCELLENT!!!! FANTASTIC take on the challenge

  2. Very, very cool! I love what you did. The different colored dot spots are great. I think you did a wonderful job with this challenge.

  3. FANTASTIC Amy! They both really pack a punch. You are so good at combining colors and I love those curly thingies on the girl card buttons...adorable!

  4. I am LOVING these dottie cards! LOVE the colors on the second one... fabulous!

  5. Oh. My. Goodness! I'm head over heels in love with both of these, Amy! What a creative design you have here--lovin' the colors big-time!

  6. Great job on both of them! Love all the bright colors!

  7. Love the different takes. Colors are wonderful.

  8. These are really outstanding Amy!! I don't know why I haven't bought Dot Spots yet ;)

  9. Very grooovy cards, Amy! I love the vibrant colors. Great job on the challenge.

  10. You did a fabulous job with this challenge! I love, love, love the color combo on the feminine card..and the scrapper's floss coming out of the buttons with curls! :) The masculine card reminds me of it!! Great job!!

  11. Love them! I love that you broke out some Chartreuse for the second card! Great color combinations!

  12. Wow, Amy!!! These are fantastic! LOVE the colors....and I'm now adding Dot Spot to my cart!!!

  13. Too cool, Amy! Perfect for the challenge! That scrapper's floss on the feminine card--awesome! I've gotta get me some! :-D

  14. oooh! I'm loving the colors! great job on these!

  15. Great job on the challenge. Dots are a perfect way to make girly/guy.

  16. How did you do the curly button string? It is adorable! Love both of the cards and an excellent use of spot dot for male/female looks. Don't worry about the copics getting away from you. Happens to me, too. Very sweet cards!

  17. Your cards are too much fun!! They really make you want to celebrate. Fantastic job with the challenge.
