Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Birthday Invites!

Wow, it's been too long since my last post!  I wanted to share my daughter's birthday invites that I made (back in October!!).  There is no stamping on them just plain 'ol stickers!!  I thought these
turned out so cute!  My hubby did NOT like that it says "her fairy parents await your reply"!!!
I just love making invites and using vellum!!  But here it looks neat because you can
see Tinkerbell behind the writing!  Kinda cool!
Here's a view of the sticker behind the vellum.

Hope you are having a wonderful week staying warm!!


  1. Those turned out adorable, Amy! Love the subtle image behind the vellum... too cute :)

  2. Yep...adorable! I LOVE the fairy parents part! My husband would LOVE it too! LOL!
