Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Hello and Happy Holidays!  I wanted to share with you a card I made this holiday season.  If you saw my last post (and yes it was a month ago), I wanted to play off of the tag I made for the Papertrey Ink November blog hop.  This is just the bigger card version since I liked how my tag turned out!  I did use some new PTI ink in Spring Moss (the new formula) when stamping the leaf.  Well, this is short but I have many things to get done before Thursday (I work on Christmas Eve).  I will post some other holiday things I made here on the blog but it may be after Christmas!

{Merry Christmas} All products are PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Turning a New Leaf, Background Basics: Diamonds, Signature Christmas
Ink:  Spring Moss (new formula--LOVE it), True Black, Chamomile
Cardstock:  Rustic White, Spring Moss
Pattern Paper:  Holiday Cheer
Misc:  Buttons (Hibiscus Burst, Ripe Avocado), button twine


  1. Wow. This is gorgeous! I remember that I liked the tag but this card is FAB!!! Merry Christmas!!

  2. Amy: I'll be CASING your card! It's beautiful!

  3. So pretty! I love the non-traditional pink and green combination!

  4. Wow....gorgeous card, Amy. Great colors too. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Love this card! Very "different" for a Christmas card (but in a VERY GOOD way lol!)

  6. Gorgeous card, not your traditional kind of Christmas card but it really works!

  7. I love these stamp sets from PTI! And you have done a great job on the card. Love everything about it.

    Thanks for stopping by on my blog.
