Thursday, February 12, 2009

BIA fridge magnet

I made this adorable refrigerator magnet for my Clinical Coordinator (my boss) where I work. Last year at seminar, several other "sister" angels and I decided to find my boss's dad's Dairy Queen because if I remember right, someone wanted m&m's. Do you girls remember this? Remember we were making memories!!! So, I said let's try to find the Dairy Queen and it would mean so much to my boss if we could visit her dad's store. So, after a LONG time driving around, we finally found it and it looked just like the Dairy Queen I used to go to every Friday when I was a little girl. My grandpa would come over every Friday to watch Dukes of Hazzard, Dallas, and Falcon Crest. We would then drive down the street to our local DQ to get us a blizzard!! I really remember those memories fondly as my grandpa passed away a number of years ago. Anyway back to the story, I introduced myself to the owner and told him that I worked with his daughter. We then got a picture in front of his DQ and I made this for my boss. Wheww, that was a lot of talking!!! Here's how this was made. I had ripped apart one of those Coffee Break board books and adhered some TAC exclusive paper. I the ran it through my BIA, attached picture, ribbons and scrappers floss. See that little tag on the top? That is actually a pull tab that can be pulled out and has my journaling on it for my boss!! She loved it!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I think I want you to make a magnet for me too!!! It *does* bring back memories! M&Ms, anyone? ;-)
